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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

October 7th


I never had quinoa until I was out of college.  It really is a great substitute for rice though, and it has a little more nutritional value than rice.  The thing I hate most about quinoa is that you're supposed to rinse it before you use it.  I have never found an easy way to do that, and every time I try rinsing it, I end up making a big annoying mess. However...I recently found pre-rinsed quinoa in my grocery store!  Game changer. 

Southwest Beef and Quinoa Stuffed Peppers
recipe from:
These were so easy and so full of flavor.  Don't leave out the lime to squeeze over them, because that fresh lime juice is so yummy on them.


Megan - A (I loved that these were healthy and filling.  I didn't have quinoa in mine because I'm trying to be low-carb.  They definitely were better with the quinoa, but even without it I liked it and was full.  There's nothing better than feeling full after a healthy dinner.)
Noelle - C+ (Noelle has it in her head that she doesn't like quinoa, so when she saw these she immediately said, "I don't want quinoa.  I only want rice."  Well, there was no rice in these and I told her it was just quinoa but she couldn't be convinced.  So, I thought, if you want to think you're eating rice, go ahead and think you're eating rice.  After I told her it was just rice then she ate it much better.  She did make sure I knew she didn't want any piece of the pepper though.  I wasn't surprised because I know she doesn't like bell peppers.)

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