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Friday, November 3, 2017

August 27th

Portillos On A Diet

Let me tell you...eating out is never easy when you're on a diet.  Portillos is probably one of the hardest places to do it!  All I wanted was a big fat cheeseburger, cheese fries, and a chocolate malt.  But, considering the menu, I think I did pretty well.  And it tasted good too!

Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Frankfort, IL

I was so depressed that I couldn't order any of my favorite things from Portillos and had to get this chicken sandwich instead.  However, it actually was really good! Was it good because I was starving and anything would've tasted good?  Was it good because it's actually not that healthy and they slather it some unknown fattiness like butter?  Or was it good because it was actually good?  We'll never really know, but I'm going to say it was actually good.  I'd order it again...if I was on a diet.  If I wasn't on a diet I'd probably stick to the other less-healthy options.


Megan - B+ (I couldn't give this an A because there are just so many other things at Portillos that are worthy of an A.  This was quite good though and I was pleasantly surprised.)

Noelle - A+ (Noelle had a hot dog and fries and she loved every bite of it.  Way to rub it in my face Noelle.)

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