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Saturday, July 29, 2017

July 11th


Some dinners stand out as spectacular and wow you with their complex flavors.  Some dinners are disgusting and over cooked or have flavors that don't work well together.  Some dinners are just "Meh".

Chicken with Feta Cheese Sauce
recipe from:

Please ignore how disgusting this looks in the picture, because even though it was just a "Meh" dinner, it wasn't that bad.  I made a mistake with this one of not fully reading the blog and I missed the part where it said to grate the feta cheese.  I used feta crumbles and they did not really melt in the sauce so there were big chunks of cheese it it. 
From looking at the ingredients and thinking about the semi-strong flavor of feta cheese, I thought this dish would have a lot of flavor.  But the main thing that came to mind was bland.  Maybe if the cheese had been blended in better it would have had more flavor.


Megan - C (It wasn't bad, it just needed more flavor and I wished the cheese was more incorporated into the sauce.)

Noelle - D+ (Noelle apparently agreed with me and did not think this looked very appetizing.  She would only eat it after I took all the sauce off.  Then she happily ate the plain chicken.  I kinda don't blame her.)

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