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Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 23rd

Umm...I Only Eat Anchovies From Italy

So this is a ceasar salad and we all know that ceasar salad traditionally has anchovies in it (if you didn't know that, you do now.)  Usually you can't taste them, but I've heard you should still put them in because they add some secret hidden depth of flavor that you would otherwise be missing.  Well, I put them in this dressing as directed and I tasted them, which I did not like!  As we were eating it, I told Doug, "I only eat anchovies from Cinque Terre, Italy." We had them there and they were fresh and amazing.  Otherwise, no thanks fishy little fish.

Chicken and Avocado Ceasar Salad
recipe from:

I made a critical mistake when making this and forgot to add the cheese.  Despite that, it was still pretty good.  The only issue was that some bites were kind of fishy, which is not something I want in my salad.  Next time I would add less anchovy or maybe none at all.


Megan - B- (This  was good and would've gotten a higher grade had it not been so fishy.  Doug claims he couldn't taste any fishiness, but I think I'm more sensitive to it than him since I don't really like fish.)

Noelle - No trying salad for Noelle.  I did give her some of the chicken though and she really enjoyed that.

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