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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

April 30th

A Birthday Sandwich

Today was my actual birthday and there's nothing I love more than a good sandwich, so it worked out perfectly that it was Sandwich Sunday!

Avocado, Tomato, and Mozzarella Grilled Cheese
recipe from:

You don't really need a recipe for this one...the title is pretty self explanatory.  However, I made some baked sweet potato wedges with a garlic-avocado aioli dipping sauce to go with it and those do need a recipe (you can get it here:  I think I over-cooked the sweet potatoes a little, but they still tasted good, were well seasoned, and were perfect with the garlic-avocado aioli. 
As I was eating this, I had a genius time instead of just using slices of avocados on the sandwich, I would spread this aioli on it to add flavor to what otherwise is a slightly bland sandwich.


Megan - A- (I thought the sandwich was a little bland.  Put the aioli on it and it would be perfect!  Otherwise I think some pieces of fresh basil would be great on it too.)

Noelle - C- (Noelle loves grilled cheese.  She loves tomatoes.  And she loves avocados.  I thought for sure this would be a win in her book.  Instead, I think she was a little weirded out by them all being together in a sandwich.  Also, she was still sick, so who knows if that had anything to do with it.  When I realized she wasn't going to eat her whole sandwich, I took the other half she hadn't started eat yet, because hello...deliciousness [me eating her dinner in addition to mine is probably why I can never lose any weight].  When I started eating that half she just kept saying "Mommy, I want yours!"  I explained to her that it was exactly the same as she was eating, but she just couldn't shake wanting the half that I had instead.  I didn't want to let her have a bite because of those sick germs she's got, so I didn't share my half and apparently her half just wasn't as good.)

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