Grilled Cheesus
Grilled Cheesus was an old episode of Glee where Finn thought he saw Jesus in his grilled cheese. There were no Jesus spottings in our house with this sandwich, but we were pretty gleeful.
Green Goddess Grilled Cheese
recipe from:
I think I may have went a little overboard with the goat cheese on this one, but really, is there such a thing as going overboard on goat cheese???
This sandwich was garlicy, creamy, and cheesy. Basically it was perfect.
Megan - A (This sandwich is delicious. The Green Goddess pesto takes it to another level with all the garlic. The avocado makes it extra creamy. And don't worry, I don't really think you can ever have too much goat cheese.)
Noelle - D (Noelle was excited to hear she was having grilled cheese for dinner, but when I presented her with this I could tell it was not what she was expecting. She has recently become weary of green things resembling spinach so that was the first thing wrong with this sandwich in her mind. She was excited that there were avocados on it and asked me to take the avocados out for her to eat. After that she said, "I don't want goat cheese on here. I just want grilled cheese on my sandwich." Sorry need to up your grilled cheese game.)
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