So Simple Yet So Satisfying
BLTs are only a few things; bread, bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes. But there's something about those simple ingredients coming together to make a delicious sandwich. If you read this blog, you know I'm on a diet, so my sandwich days are limited. However, why not make a delicious sandwich into a great salad? I'm starting to learn that almost anything can be turned into a salad!
BLT Bowl
recipe from:
This is a little bit different than a BLT sandwich because there's a few additions like cheese and cucumber. Because let's face it, without the bread, a BLT is not too satisfying. This salad however, was very satisfying!
Because of my diet I had to make a choice between the avocado and the cheese, and of course I chose the less healthy cheese. Doug got to have avocado and cheese - lucky him! I also used turkey bacon and honestly, when it's all mixed into the other salad ingredients, you can't tell much of a difference.
Megan - A- (This salad was good, I've just had some other superstar salads lately that kinda make this one seem a little less good. I'd definitely make it again though. And maybe someday I'll get to have the avocado and cheese!)
Noelle - Salad = Nope
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