Kabobs Anyone?
For some reason kabobs always look more impressive to me than serving the meat without a stick. And really it doesn't take any more effort than cutting the meat into chunks. Give it a try and kabob your next meat!
Greek Lemon Chicken Skewers with Tzatziki Sauce
recipe from: http://reciperunner.com/greek-lemon-chicken-skewers-tzatziki-sauce/
This chicken turned out very flavorful, even though I think I overcooked it a bit. The sauce was a little runny, but still good and was the perfect accompaniment to the chicken.
It was really cold and rainy here tonight, so instead of grilling the chicken, I cooked it in the oven. I did it at 400 degrees for about 40 minutes. Like I said, I think that was too long. 30 minutes probably would've been fine. I served it with roasted fingerling potatoes, but really any vegetable would be great with it. You could even get creative and put some veggies on the skewers with the chicken.
Even though this turned out really well in the oven, I think it would be even better on the grill, so if that's an option for you, I'd go for it!
Megan - A (I loved the lemon-oregano flavor of the chicken and the sauce went really well with it. I may or may not have eaten a couple spoonfuls of sauce by itself.)
Doug - A (Doug said this dinner was "restaurant quality.")
Noelle - D+ (Noelle was not into this. She took one bite and then didn't want to eat any more. After I made up a song about lemon chicken she ate a little bit without too much protest, but I don't think she was really enjoying it. I know she likes lemons because she wanted to suck on them while I was making the marinade. Maybe she's not an oregano fan?)
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