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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Welcome Back...A New Year and a New Blog

The blog...

It has been a while since I wrote any new posts on this blog and I decided it was time to start it up again!
I changed the whole format of the blog and even changed the name! In the past I always featured a complete meal of a drink, dinner, and dessert.  Who has the time for all that, right!?  Now the blog will only feature dinner.  Check out the new format and please, let me know what you think!  Also, if you aren't already subscribed to "A Daily Dose of Dinner," don't forget to do so!

The Challenge...

I am not usually one for New Year's resolutions, so instead, I decided to do a new year's challenge. This year, I will eat a different dinner every night for the whole year.  That's repeat dinners.  This will be a challenge not only because I have to think of 365 new dinners, but also because it means I will only get to eat my favorite dinners one time a year.
I am a fairly busy person, so I will admit that not all of these dinners will be made by me.  Sometimes you just need to eat out or have someone else cook for you!  On the nights the dinner is not made by me, I will just provide a description, maybe a restaurant recommendation, and other wonderful insight into the food I ate.  
However, on the nights I do cook (which will be most nights), I will let you know what I made, provide the recipe, and give you my family's rating of the dinner so you can decide if you want to make it yourself!  Here's who is in my family and how the rating system will go:
Me:  I will always try to honestly rate the dinner and give it a grade (A, B, C, D, F) based on how good it was, how hard to make, etc.
Doug:  That's my husband.  I'll get his opinion and grade too. 
Noelle:  That's my daughter.  She's only 22 months old, so she won't be able to give a grade, but I will estimate her grade based on how much she ate/liked it.  She's a pretty good eater, so those of you with kids can use her ratings to determine what your kids would like.  I also will try to offer insight into how I get her to eat what we eat (most of the time).

So, there it is...the new blog!  Subscribe, check back daily, and add your own comments.  Until then, I'll be eating all my favorite foods before the new year starts and I can only have them one time.  See you on January 1st with a new post!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, can't wait to see your new blog posts!
